Hao Zhu(朱昊) Assistant Professor, PhD advisor Nanjing University, China Email: zh@nju.edu.cn |
I am an assistant professor and PhD advisor at the School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Nanjing University, where I co-direct the 3D Vision Lab (NJU-3DV) with Prof. Yao Yao. I am also a member of CITE Lab at Nanjing University. I received a B.S. degree and a Ph.D. degree from Nanjing University (Supervisor: Prof. Xun Cao). I was a visiting scholar at the University of Kentucky (Supervisor: Prof. Ruigang Yang) and a visiting student at Tsinghua University (Supervisor: Prof. Yebin Liu). My research interests include computer vision and machine learning, especially for 3D reconstruction and 3D vision. More about my research can be found at Projects.
<New!> I am looking for highly self-motivated students to join our lab. If you are enthusiastic about 3D Vision and Digital Human, please drop me an email with your CV and research interests.
- 2025/02 Our 2 papers accepted to CVPR 2025.
- 2025/02 I’m teaching a “Fundamentals of Digital System Design” course for undergraduate students at Gulou Campus this semester.
- 2025/01 Our paper accepted to ICLR 2025.
- 2024/11 Our paper accepted to 3DV 2025.
- 2024/09 I’m teaching a “3D Vision” course for graduate students at Suzhou Campus this semester.
- 2024/07 Our 5 papers accepted to ECCV 2024.
more news
- 2024/03 I’m teaching a “Fundamentals of Digital System Design” course for undergraduate students at Gulou Campus this semester.
- 2023/12 Our paper accepted to AAAI 2024.
- 2023/10 Our project on 3D face modeling won the Gold medal of Future Technology Competition, Nanjing University.
- 2023/08 Our paper accepted to TPAMI.
- 2023/08 Our paper accepted to SIGRRAPH Asia 2023.
- 2023/07 Our paper accepted to CICAI 2023 as Oral.
- 2023/05 Give a talk on “Modeling Neural Virtual Avatar” at CCIG.
- 2023/05 Give a talk on “3D Face - Reconstruction, Generation and Drive” at CSIG Lecture on Cloud.
- 2023/05 Join the School of Intelligent Science and Technology, Nanjing University (Suzhou).
- 2023/02 Our paper accepted to CVPR 2023.
- 2022/11 Our paper accepted to AAAI 2023 as Oral.
- 2022/07 Our paper accepted to ECCV 2022.
- 2021/11 Our paper accepted to AAAI 2022 as Oral.
- 2021/07 Our paper accepted to TPAMI.
- 2021/06 Our paper accepted to Journal of Image and Graphics.
- 2021/01 Our paper accepted to TCSVT.
- 2020/09 Our paper accepted to ACCV 2020.
- 2020/06 FaceScape dataset has been released, check it here.
- 2020/04 Our paper accepted to VRIH.
- 2020/03 Two papers accepted to CVPR 2020.
- 2020/03 Finish visiting in RAL, Baidu Research (2019/09 – 2020/03).
- 2019/09 Finish intern in Alibaba AI Lab (2019/03 – 2019/09).
- 2019/06 Graduated and join CITE lab, Nanjing University as an associate researcher.
- Reviewer of journals: TPAMI, IJCV, TVCG, TCSVT
- Reviewer of conferences: CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, SIGGRAPH, NIPS, ICLR, 3DV
- Member of 3D vision committee, China Society of Image and Graphics
Honors and Awards
- IEEE CAS Outstanding Young Author Award (2023)
- Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2022)
- Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent, Nanjing (2020)
- Artificial Intelligence Scholarship, Nanjing (2018)
- Principal Special Scholarship of Nanjing University (2017)
- National Scholarship, China (2016)
- First Prize of National Graduate Electronics Design Contest, China (2016)